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Hewitt-Messenger Well Drilling & Pump Service

Have a water well-related question? Hewitt-Messenger Well Drilling & Pump Service has the answer. Check out these FAQs and call or text us today for a free quote!

  • How do I decide where to drill my well?

    Determining the ideal location for your well requires careful consideration of several factors. We recommend consulting with a specialist for the best advice. Key considerations include the current and future terrain and accessibility of the site, legal distances from property lines and septic systems, existing and planned locations of buildings, and the placement of utility lines. A professional assessment will help ensure your well is positioned optimally for long-term use and compliance with local regulations.
  • Do I need a permit to drill a well?

    Yes, a permit is typically required for well drilling. However, specific requirements may vary by county, so it's advisable to check with your local authorities. The state of Missouri mandates a well certification report upon completion, which our team will provide as part of our comprehensive service. This report ensures your well meets all necessary standards and regulations.
  • How deep will I have to go to find water?

    The depth required to find water varies significantly based on local geological conditions. Factors such as rock formations and groundwater levels in your area will influence the well's depth, yield, and the drilling techniques needed. Our team conducts thorough research on existing wells in your vicinity and combines this with our extensive experience to provide an accurate estimate of the depth and cost for your specific site.
  • How much water will I need?

    Water requirements vary depending on individual circumstances. As a general guideline, the average person uses approximately 100 gallons per day. However, it's crucial to consider additional factors such as landscaping needs, which can significantly impact overall water consumption. We can help you assess your specific requirements to ensure your well meets your household's needs.
  • What is casing and how much will I need?

    Casing is a crucial component of well construction, consisting of a metal or plastic pipe that lines the borehole. Its primary functions are to prevent contamination, support the surrounding soil and rock, and resist corrosion. The amount of casing required is determined by Missouri Department of Natural Resources (DNR) regulations, which take into account your specific well location and local geological conditions.
  • What is a PVC liner and do I need one?

    A PVC liner is a durable plastic pipe made from poly-vinyl chloride (PVC) that serves a similar purpose to casing. It's installed inside the casing and borehole to provide an additional barrier against contamination, support the well structure, and prevent rust. The necessity for a PVC liner depends on your specific well conditions and local regulations. Our experts can assess your situation and advise on whether a PVC liner is recommended for your well.
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